SONET states

The SONET state dictionary defines a primary state, as well as protections, which are used to define the graphical representation of predefined business objects through cascading style sheets. See The SONET state dictionary visuals for a complete list of available states and protections.

SONET primary states

The following selector matches all objects that have the SONET primary state Active defined:
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltObject"["objectState.SONET.State"=Active] {
In CSS selectors, primary states are identified by the attribute name (" objectState ") and the primary state information (" SONET.State ").

SONET protections

You can also use SONET protections in CSS selectors. Protections are identified by the attribute name (" objectState "), the position of the protection (" SONET.FromProtections " or " SONET.ToProtections "), and the protection name as in the following example:
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltLink"["objectState.SONET.FromProtections.Locked"] {

object."ilog.tgo.model.IltLink"["objectState.SONET.ToProtections.Pending"] {

SONET reverse primary state

The SONET state dictionary contains an extension that allows you to define a reverse primary state. This extension is mainly designed for link objects, so that you can define state information for both directions of the link connection.
In CSS selectors, reverse primary states are identified by the attribute name (" objectState ") and the primary reverse state information (" SONET.ReverseState ") as in the following example:
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltLink"["objectState.SONET.ReverseState"=Active] {

How to change the object representation based on SONET states

The following CSS extract customizes the graphic representation of links according to the value of the SONET primary state. This example changes the foreground color of the object according to the value of the primary state.
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltAbstractLink" {
  foreground: '';
object."ilog.tgo.model.IltAbstractLink"["objectState.SONET.State"=Active] {  
  foreground: green;
ing] {
  foreground: orange;
The following figure illustrates this configuration.
SONET state styling example