Customizing link set and link bundle tiny types

Link set and link bundle tiny types are customized in a similar way to the link tiny type (see Customizing link tiny types.

How to customize a link set and a link bundle tiny type (using the API)

  new IltTinyImageBaseRendererFactory(YOUR_IMAGE, YOUR_IMAGE_PARAMETERS));

  new IltTinyImageBaseRendererFactory(YOUR_IMAGE, YOUR_IMAGE_PARAMETERS));

How to customize a link set and a link bundle tiny type (using CSS)

The CSS property to use for customizing is tinyRenderer .
setting."ilog.tgo.model.IltLinkSet.TinyType"[name="Standard"] {
   tinyRenderer: @+linkSetTinyRendererFactory;
Subobject#linkSetTinyRendererFactory {
   class: 'MyLinkSetTinyRendererFactory';

setting."ilog.tgo.model.IltLinkBundle.TinyType"[name="Standard"] {
   tinyRenderer: @+linkBundleTinyRendererFactory;
Subobject#linkBundleTinyRendererFactory {
   class: 'MyLinkBundleTinyRendererFactory';