Localizing network element types

In JViews TGO, the network element type defines how the object base will be represented. You may also be interested in displaying the name of the network element type in your application, for example, as a label in a table cell or as a tooltip.
All the predefined network element types have labels and tooltips specified in the JViews TGO resource bundle. See About globalization.
The resources that apply to network element types are identified as:
  • ilog.tgo.NetworkElement_Type_<TYPE NAME> : network element type labels
  • ilog.tgo.NetworkElement_Type_<TYPE NAME>_ToolTip : network element type tooltips
You can edit the values directly in the JViews TGO resource bundle file.
When you create new network element types, the label and tooltip information will also be retrieved from this resource bundle to be displayed, for example, in a table cell. As you create new network element types, register the corresponding entries into the resource bundle file, as follows.
Suppose that you have created the following new network element type:
IltNetworkElement.Type myNewType = new IltNetworkElement.Type("MyType"); 
You should declare the following properties in the JTGOMessages.properties file:
  • ilog.tgo.NetworkElement_Type_MyType=My Type
  • ilog.tgo.NetworkElement_Type_MyType_ToolTip=My New Network Element Type