CSS Syntax

CSS syntax is described more fully in the Using CSS syntax in the style sheet topic of the JViews Diagrammer documentation.
The main elements of syntax are:
Style rule
A CSS document, or style sheet, consists of a set of style rules. Each style rule starts with a selector and is followed by a declaration.
A selector is composed of one or more simple selectors. A simple selector is made of minimal building blocks. When two or more simple selectors are aggregated into a selector, they are separated by combinators. A combinator is a single character; extra spaces are ignored.
Declarations are property-value pairs that are enclosed in braces ({}). The separator is a colon (:). Each declaration is terminated by a semicolon (;). The property represents a predefined graphic attribute and the value is a literal, with its type dependent on the property. All property-value pairs are String .
Priority depends on specificity. Specificity is computed as three numbers, a-b-c (in a number system with a large base). The number of ID building blocks in the selector gives the first number a , the number of classes and attributes gives b , and the number of element types gives c .
Cascading consists in supplying several sources for the style: the browser, the user, and the document in HTML environments. Each source is weighted in relation to the others, with document style taking precedence over user style, which takes precedence over browser style when the specificity is the same. CSS can also make use of internal cascading, when it imports other style sheets by referring to a URL.
Inheritance of declarations occurs when matched declarations are sorted according to the priority of the rules and declarations are merged. Higher priority settings override lower ones as described in The priority of CSS rules.