Debugging a style sheet

When styling with CSS, one of the most common problems concerns the order of priority. A rule can be assumed to have a greater or lesser priority than is actually the case. Then, unsuitable declarations are applied. With many rules, it can be difficult to determine which declarations apply to which conditions. Understanding the priority of CSS rules is the most difficult aspect of a large style sheet.
Another common problem is syntax errors in the declarations. If an identifier on the left does not refer to a valid property, it will be silently ignored. If the value on the right is invalid, it may also be ignored by the target object. In both cases, the declaration has no visible effect.
Yet another common problem concerns changes in properties. An event marking a new value may trigger a new rule. When the object in the model reverts to its previous state, the previous set of rules applies. Therefore, the previous set of rules must contain declarations that undo the changes in the properties of the graphic object correctly. For example, if a node switches to an alarm state, a CSS rule will create an alarm decoration. When the alarm state is resolved, the decoration should be canceled by a declaration in the normal set of rules.
You can specify a styleSheetDebugMask property in the graphic components. This flag has several levels that help in debugging problems. The style sheet debug mask can be set directly in the graphic component with the method setStyleSheetDebugMask or it can be customized in the style sheet itself.
StyleSheet {
    styleSheetDebugMask: "DECL_MASK|DECL_VALUE_MASK";
See the interface IlvStylable for more details on the available debug levels.