
In CSS, the term declaration is used to describe the statements placed between braces ({}). Declarations represent property settings. They are used in JViews TGO like a JavaBean™ for customizing graphic objects. Typically, the left part of a declaration contains the name of a property of a graphic object and the right part contains the value set for the property. Sometimes, the left part of a declaration is not used to refer to a property of a graphic object. For example, class is a reserved word that represents the class name of the graphic representation.
JViews TGO defines a set of properties that can be applied to user-defined and predefined business objects to customize their graphic representation.
You can also define your own graphic representation by declaring the class property with your JavaBean class and setting it in the CSS rule.

How to define your own graphic representation

object.Alarm {
    class: 'javax.swing.JButton';
    text: @identifier;
    background: blue;
    foreground: yellow;
The CSS rule defined in this example states that objects from the business class Alarm are represented by JButton instances that are configured with the properties text , background , and foreground .