Searching for a string in a table

You can search for a string in a table by using the searchValue method. Searching is performed on the values displayed in the cells (that is, with styles applied), not on the raw values stored by the representation objects. The searchValue method returns the coordinates of the first cell containing the string, starting from the specified cell.
If the startingcell parameter is null , the search starts from the first cell in the table.
The search is not case sensitive if the parameter caseMatching is false .
The search can be performed row by row ( scanRowByRow parameter is true ), or column by column ( scanRowByRow parameter is false ).
The method returns null if the search value cannot be found in the scope of the search.

How to search for a string in a table

IlpTable tableComponent = new IlpTable();
IlpCellCoordinates cellFound
   = tableComponent.searchValue("a string", // searched string
                                null,       // starting cell
                                false,      // scan row by row
                                false);     // case matching