Fixing columns in a table

You can fix a set of columns on the left side of the table. To do so, call the method setFixedColumnCount with the number of columns you want to fix as its parameter. The method has no effect if the value of its parameter is less than 0 . A value of 0 indicates that none of the columns in the table will be fixed. If the parameter is greater than the number of columns in the table, all the columns are fixed. Here is an example.

How to fix the position of columns in a table

IlpTable tableComponent = new IlpTable();
// Fix 3 columns
tableComponent.setFixedColumnCount(3) ;
// Fix a 4th column
tableComponent.setFixedColumnCount(4) ;
// Unfix all columns
tableComponent.setFixedColumnCount(0) ;
You can retrieve the number of fixed columns in the table by using the method getFixedColumnCount, and know whether a given column is fixed by using the method isColumnFixed.
The number of fixed columns can be configured using style sheets, as described in Configuring the table component.