Selecting the accepted class of objects

The accepted class allows you to define the class of objects to be displayed in the table component. The table can display predefined business objects of the class IltObject or of a subclass of IltObject, or user-defined business classes.
You need to specify the accepted class when you create your table component. Once the accepted class has been set, the attributes present in this class determine the columns that will be displayed in the table.

How to set the accepted class

// Create a table component and connect it to a data source
IlpTable tableComponent = new IlpTable();
IltDefaultDataSource dataSource = new IltDefaultDataSource();
// The second parameter specifies which kind of object contained
// in the data source the table will show
tableComponent.setDataSource(dataSource, IltNetworkElement.GetIlpClass());
or, after connecting the table with a data source, by using the method setAcceptedClass :