Customizing column headers and rows

The table component uses a default renderer to render the column header (an instance of IlpTableHeaderRenderer).
This renderer is based on the CSS configuration, which means that it uses the properties defined in the cascading style sheets for the business objects, the attributes, and the table component itself.

How to modify the table column renderer

To modify the rendering of the table, you can do one of the following:
  1. Replace the default renderer by another one using the method setHeaderRenderer .
    The Swing mechanism that allows you to associate a specific renderer with instances of a specific class in the table model is disabled.
  2. Modify the JViews TGO default properties.

How to modify the default properties of a table

To modify the JViews TGO default properties in a table, create a custom CSS file and load it in your table component using the method IlpTable.setStyleSheets .
IlpTable tableComponent = new IlpTable();
String[] css = new String[] { "table.css" };
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
For a description of the properties that you can use in a CSS file to modify the rendering of the table header and of the table rows, refer to Customizing table column headers and rows.