Class overview

The tree component is internally based on the MVC architecture like the other JViews TGO components, which means that it has a model, a view, and a controller associated with it. For a general introduction to the MVC architecture, see Architecture of graphic components.
This topic describes the classes that you can use to create and manage trees. For a more detailed description, refer to the overview-summary. The classes are organized as follows:

MVC (model, view, controller) architecture

The MVC architecture for the tree component is implemented by the following classes (see Model, view, and controller for the tree component):
Model, view, and controller for the tree component
For general information about the model, the view, and the controller, see Architecture of graphic components.

Representation model and representation objects

The representation model for the tree component is implemented by the following classes (see Representation model and representation objects for the tree component):
  • The IlpTreeModel class is the model module in the MVC architecture of the tree. It is the representation model and contains instances of IlpTreeNode.
  • The IlpTreeNode interface defines the representation objects for tree nodes. The IlpDefaultTreeNode class is the default implementation of IlpTreeNode .
Representation model and representation objects for the tree component
For general information about the representation model and representation objects, see Architecture of graphic components.

Graphic view and renderer

The graphic view and the renderer are implemented by the following classes (see Graphic view and renderer for the tree component)
Graphic view and renderer for the tree component

Controller and interactors

The controller is implemented by the IlpTreeController class, which allows you to register pop-up menus and interactors.
For general information about the controller, see The controller.
No special interactor is provided for the tree component.