Accepted and excluded classes

You can specify the business objects that will be represented or not in the tree component depending on their business classes. To do so, you need to specify the business classes to be accepted or excluded using methods setAcceptedClasses or setExcludedClasses in the tree component adapter. To retrieve the adapter, use the getAdapter method. The adapter must be an instance of a subclass of IlpAbstractTreeAdapter.

How to specify excluded classes in the tree component

You can specify that business objects from specific business classes are not represented in the tree component. You can do that using the API, setExcludedClasses method, or using CSS.
The following example shows you how to prevent objects from business classes IltAlarm and IltLed to be represented:
Adapter {
  excludedClasses[0]: "ilog.tgo.model.IltAlarm";
  excludedClasses[1]: "ilog.tgo.model.IltLed";

How to specify an accepted class in the tree component

By default, all business classes are accepted by the tree component. If you want to specify exactly which business classes to represent, you should combine the list of excluded and accepted classes, so that you exclude all business classes except those that are marked in the accepted class list.
In the following example, the tree component is configured in a way that it graphically represents only business objects from the class IltNetworkElement.
Adapter {
  excludedClasses[0]: "ilog.tgo.model.IltAlarm";
  excludedClasses[1]: "ilog.tgo.model.IltObject";
  acceptedClasses[0]: "ilog.tgo.model.IltNetworkElement";
The filtering that is performed through the use of the accepted and excluded class lists takes actually place at the adapter level.
Please refer to The Adapter rule to know how to configure excluded and accepted classes through CSS.