Interacting with the tree view

The IlpTree allows you to associate behavior with the tree view as a whole, and with the business objects it contains.
In particular, using the default view interactor, you can:
  • associate actions with mouse events and focus events,
  • associate actions with keyboard events,
  • define a pop-up menu factory to build a pop-up menu that displays in the view.
The IlpTree is associated with an IlpDefaultViewInteractor, which should satisfy most needs. You can retrieve this interactor by calling the method getViewInteractor() .

How to associate an action with a mouse event in the tree view

You can associate actions with mouse events by using either CSS or the API. The following CSS extract shows how to proceed:
Tree {
  interactor: true;

Interactor {
  viewInteractor: @+viewInt;

Subobject#viewInt {
  class: 'ilog.cpl.interactor.IlpDefaultViewInteractor';
  action[0]: @+viewAction0;

Subobject#viewAction0 {
  class: 'ilog.cpl.interactor.IlpGestureAction';
  gesture: BUTTON3_CLICKED;
  action: @+myAction;
Subobject#myAction {
  class: MyAction;
The same configuration can be achieved through the API, as follows:
IlpTree tree = // ...
// Retrieve the view interactor
IlpViewInteractor viewInteractor = tree.getViewInteractor();
// Create an action
Action myAction = new MyAction();
// Clicking the 3rd mouse button will trigger myAction
You can find out whether this event occurred on an IlpObject by means of the following code (which should be in the MyAction class).

How to check whether a given action occurred

// Implementation of the ActionListener interface
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
  // JTGO interactors use IlpViewActionEvent
  IlpViewActionEvent viewEvent = (IlpViewActionEvent)e;
  // Get the IlpObject (if any) where the interaction occurred
  IlpObject ilpObj = viewEvent.getIlpObject();
  // Perform operation on the given object

How to associate an action with a keyboard event in the tree view

You can associate actions with keyboard events by using either CSS or the API. The following CSS extract shows how to proceed:
Tree {
  interactor: true;

Interactor {
  viewInteractor: @+viewInt;

Subobject#viewInt {
  class: 'ilog.cpl.interactor.IlpDefaultViewInteractor';
  action[0]: @+viewAction0;

Subobject#viewAction0 {
  class: 'ilog.cpl.interactor.IlpKeyStrokeAction';
  keyStroke: 'typed D';
  action: @+myAction;

Subobject#myAction {
  class: MyAction;
The same configuration can be achieved through the API, as follows:
// Create an action
Action myAction = new MyAction();
// Typing CTRL+D will trigger myAction

How to define a pop-up menu factory for the tree view

You can customize a pop-up menu factory for the tree view either through CSS or through the API. The following CSS extract shows how to configure a CSS file to add a pop-up menu factory:
Tree {
  interactor: true;

Interactor {
  viewInteractor: @+viewInt;

Subobject#viewInt {
  class: 'ilog.cpl.interactor.IlpDefaultViewInteractor';
  popupMenuFactory: @+viewPopupMenuFactory;
Subobject#viewPopupMenuFactory {
  class: MyPopupMenuFactory;
The same configuration can be achieved through the API, as follows:
// Subclass IlpAbstractPopupMenuFactory, which has useful shortcuts
IlpPopupMenuFactory popupMenuFactory = new IlpAbstractPopupMenuFactory(){
  // Add the identifier of each of the selected objects to the menu
  public JPopupMenu createPopupMenu (IlpObjectSelectionModel ilpSelectionModel)
    // Create an empty popup menu
    JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu();
    // Access the selected objects from the selection model
    Collection selectedObjects = ilpSelectionModel.getSelectedObjects();
    // fill the menu according to the current selection
   return menu;
The following code shows you how to associate the defined pop-up menu factory with the tree component.

How to associate a pop-up menu factory with the tree component

// Set the popup menu factory to the view interactor
The selection is updated prior to invoking the pop-up menu factory. Specifically, right-clicking a selected object keeps the entire current selection, while clicking a unselected object cancels the current selection and selects the object clicked. Clicking outside any object clears the selection.
Please refer to Interacting with the graphic components for a detailed description of interactors and gestures.