Class overview

The MVC architecture of the network component is implemented by the following classes:
  • The class IlpNetwork contains a model, a view, and a controller.
  • The model interfaces are IlpNetworkModel and IlpMutableNetworkModel.
    The interface IlpMutableNetworkModel provides API facilities for adding and removing objects. The two network model interfaces are implemented through the class IlpDefaultNetworkModel. Instances of IlpNetwork use the class IlpDefaultNetworkModel.
    Representation objects to be displayed in the component must be added to the model. The network model recognizes the following objects:
    • Nodes
    • Links, which connect nodes
    Representation objects to be added to the model must implement the IlpNetworkNode or IlpNetworkLink interface. Concrete implementations of these interfaces are provided as IlpDefaultNetworkNode and IlpDefaultNetworkLink. You can create subclasses of these representation object classes.
  • The class IlpNetworkView defines the network view.
    It displays the objects in a rectangular area, with scrollbars and a toolbar to let users navigate. The view displays the objects contained in the model or made accessible through container expansion of objects in the model.
  • The class IlpNetworkController defines the network controller.
    The controller configures the view interactor, reacts to actions triggered by the interactor, and forwards these actions to a handler.
The following figure shows the main classes used by the network component.
Main classes used by the network component