
The JViews TGO alarm object is based on the alarm object defined by the Java™ Specification Requests (JSR)-90 workgroup. This alarm object has been designed to be used in the development of OSS/J Quality of Service APIs (telecom management applications).
Alarms are of two kinds: raw and impact.
An alarm table with raw (balloons) and impact (clouds) alarms
A raw alarm is an alarm reported by a network element and carried by this element.
An impact alarm corresponds to a propagated alarm that is reported by a network element but carried by another element.
Alarms can be represented as individual objects in a table and tree. For more information, see Alarms.
Alarms can also be represented as part of the managed object (in a network or equipment view). In this case, they are considered as part of the object state and not as individual objects. For more information, see Alarm states.