
Rogue Wave® JViews TGO graphic components communicate with the back-end application from which they obtain data to be displayed through a data source. The role of the data source is to transform data retrieved from the back end to objects that JViews TGO can handle. These objects, known as business objects, can be represented in any of the JViews TGO graphic components.
JViews TGO provides a set of predefined business classes that you can use directly in your applications. These classes are specifically designed for easing the development and leveraging the overall graphic quality and the ergonomics of user interfaces in telecommunication applications. All you have to do is insert instances of these predefined business classes for them to be translated into high-quality graphic representations with a common look and feel in all the JViews TGO graphic components. Predefined business objects include a default graphic renderer that maps them to graphic representations automatically, thus significantly minimizing coding efforts.
In addition, JViews TGO furnishes a complete library of graphic symbols, icons, and decorations for representing changes in telecommunication business object states and alarms. State and alarm representations comply with the most widely-spread telecommunication standards, such as OSI, Bellcore, and SNMP. For detailed information on graphical representations of states and alarms, see States and Lookup tables for state visuals.