Bellcore states

The class IltBellcoreObjectStateSAXInfo is the XML serialization class that allows you to read and write Bellcore object states in the XML format.
The following table describes the XML elements that can be used.
XML elements in the Bellcore state system 
XML Element
Possible Values
DisabledIdle, EnabledIdle, EnabledActive
BellCore primary state
Blocked, Busy, ColdStandby, Combined, Diagnostic, Disabled, Disconnected, Exercise, FacilityFailure, FarEndProcessorOutage, Fault, Forced, HotStandby, Idle, IdleReceive, IdleTransmit, InhibitInProgress, LockedOut, LoopbackTest, Maintenance, MaintenanceLimited, MismatchOfEquipmen, Monitor, Overflow, PerformanceMonitorInhibited, Power, PrePostService, ProtectionReleaseInhibited, ProtectionSwitchExercise, ProtectionSwitchInhibited, Protocol, Rearrangement, RedLined, SoftwareDownloading, SoftwareTransferInhibited, SoftwareTransferOnly, SoftwareUploading, StandbyInhibited, StandbySwitched, SupportedEntityAbsent, SupportedEntityExists, SupportingEntityOutage, SupportingEntitySwapped, SuspendBoth, SuspendOrigination, SuspendTermination, SwitchedSystemActivity, TerminatedBoth, TerminatedFrom, TerminatedTo, Test, TestFailure,Transferred, Unassigned, Unequipped, Working
BellCore secondary states
add , remove
This attribute is optional. It specifies whether the state should be added to/removed from the object state. The default value is add indicating that the state will be set in the object state. This attribute is used within an <updateState> element.

How to add a network element with Bellcore states defined in XML

<addObject id="NE3">
  <attribute name="name">NE3</attribute>
  <attribute name="type">Router</attribute>
  <attribute name="position" javaClass="ilog.cpl.graphic.IlpPoint">
    <x>151</x>  <y>512</y>
  <attribute name="objectState"

How to set Bellcore states to an existing object using XML

The following example shows how to set Bellcore states to an object that already exists in the data source. You can achieve this by using the XML tag <updateObject> to modify the attribute objectState :
<updateObject id="NE1">
  <attribute name="objectState" 

How to update Bellcore states incrementally using XML

<updateObject id="NE1">
    <secState operation="remove">Blocked</secState>
    <secState operation="remove">Busy</secState>