SAN states: the SAN state dictionary

The SAN (Storage Area Network) State Dictionary provides secondary state values that can be used to complement any other standard state system such as OSI, Bellcore, SNMP or SONET. The secondary states included in this dictionary can be used to model and represent any state with a numeric value. For instance, any numeric value corresponding to SAN information can be modeled using this state system. Any secondary state in the SAN State Dictionary can be represented graphically by a gauge, a chart, or a numeric counter.
The SAN secondary numeric states hold a numeric value ranging from 0 to 2^32-1. You can configure the valid interval for the SAN secondary numeric states using the IltLimitedNumericState API. You can also configure the graphic representation of each state as a gauge, chart or counter.
Customization is explained in detail in Customizing the SAN state system.
The valid interval for the SAN secondary numeric states can be configured, as shown in this code extract:
IltSAN.SecState.Allocated.setMaxValue(new Integer(100));
This dictionary can be extended by the JViews TGO user to take into account his own state definitions and their associated decorations. More information about extensions is provided in Creating new SAN secondary states.
All of the SAN states are individually described in the reference table Gauge and chart based representations of SAN secondary statesĀ .