Off-page connector class

Off-page connectors can be inserted in a network to replace nodes. They are used to indicate that the link continues in a network part that is outside of the current view.
An off-page connector can be associated with information used to:
  • display the corresponding view,
  • indicate visually on which neighbor view the object represented by the off-page connector is located.
Off-page connectors are predefined business objects of the class IltOffPageConnector. For a general introduction to predefined business classes, see Introducing business objects and data sources.
You can retrieve the class IltOffPageConnector using its GetIlpClass method.
The IltOffPageConnector class defines the following attribute:
  • Type —Specifies the category of off-page connector. It is possible to define new types of off-page connectors.
    Name: type
    Value class: IltOffPageConnector.Type
    Attribute: IltOffPageConnector.TypeAttribute