Loading an empty slot defined in XML

Loading an empty slot from an XML file is similar to loading a card, except for the business object class defined between the <class> and </class> tags:

How to load an empty slot defined in XML

The following sample uses the same XML file as in Loading a card defined in XML, to create an empty slot. For details about the XML elements used in this example, see Elements in an XML data fileĀ .
<addObject id="Shelf">
  <attribute name="name">Shelf</attribute>
  <attribute name="slotSizes" javaClass="ilog.cpl.equipment.IlpSlotSizes">
  <attribute name="position" javaClass="ilog.cpl.graphic.IlpPoint">
    <x>100</x> <y>50</y>
<addObject id="Card0">
  <attribute name="name">Card0</attribute>
  <attribute name="position"
    <x>0</x> <y>0</y> <width>1</width> <height>1</height>
The result looks like this:
An empty slot in a shelf