About subnetworks

Subnetworks allow you to create applications that display a network inside another network. They are created automatically by the Rogue Wave® JViews TGO network component when you define a containment relationship between objects in the data source.
A subnetwork can be defined as a node object with child objects in a network component. It can be displayed either collapsed or expanded.
  • In the collapsed state, the subnetwork is represented as a single object.
    Collapsed subnetwork
  • In the expanded state, the subnetwork is displayed with all the objects contained in it.
    Expanded subnetwork
    When JViews TGO expands a subnetwork, it may find that the contained objects are not yet available for display either because they are in the process of being loaded into the data source, or because of incomplete links. In this case, the expand icon changes to the following representation:
expanded subnetwork
For information on how to customize the graphic representation of subnetworks, refer to Customizing subnetworks.