Shortcut network elements

A shortcut network element is an abstraction denoting an object that is only a reference to an existing network element. IltNetworkElement provides a new attribute, ShortcutAttribute , whose value can be:
  • IltShortcutAttributeType. STANDARD: The network element is a regular shortcut.
  • IltShortcutAttributeType. DANGLING: The network element is a shortcut to an object that is no longer available.
  • null : The network element is not a shortcut
A network element can be defined as shortcut by setting the value of attribute shortcut in the business object. This attribute can be set programmatically using IltNetworkElement. ShortcutAttribute.

How to create a shortcut

The following example illustrates how a network element is created using the attribute shortcut via XML.
<addObject id="NE1">
  <attribute name="name">NE1</attribute>
  <attribute name="shortcut">STANDARD</attribute>
  <attribute name="type">NE</attribute>
Shortcut network elements are graphically represented by an icon located at the bottom left of the network element base.
Standard shortcuts
Dangling shortcuts