Monitoring service

The Monitoring Service is defined by the interface IlpMonitoringService.
It provides a facility for developers to register and monitor time-consuming activities, so that all interested parties can be aware of and appropriately act upon these activities and their progress.
The Monitoring Service makes use of the Rogue Wave® JViews Maps activity monitoring API by exposing an instance of IlvThreadedActivityMonitor that is associated with each IlpContext for a given IlpGraphicComponent . This IlvThreadedActivityMonitor instance can be used to register activities and track their progress.
For more details on the use of the IlvThreadedActivityMonitor and related API, see Thread monitoring.
To see how to use the Monitoring Service, look at the Editor sample for the the Network Component at <installdir> /samples/network/editor/index.html .
All access to the underlying IlvThreadedActivityMonitor should be made through the Monitoring Service ( IlpMonitoringService.getActivityMonitor ). This means that the IlvThreadedActivityMonitorProperty is not supported.

How to configure the monitoring service through the deployment descriptor

The Monitoring Service is configured through the deployment descriptor. You can specify implementations of the IlvThreadedActivityMonitor.ActivityListener that will be added automatically to the underlying IlvThreadedActivityMonitor of the Monitoring Service, in the order in which they are specified in the deployment descriptor.
      <activityListener javaClass="ActivityListenerOne"/>
      <activityListener javaClass="ActivityListenerTwo"/>    
ActivityListenerOne will be added to the IlvThreadedActivityMonitor before ActivityListenerTwo .
Check the XML schema file of the deployment descriptor at file://data/ilog/cpl/schema/deploy.xsd to know how to place the XML tag <monitoring> for the Monitoring Service in the deployment descriptor.