Blinking manager

The blinking manager, defined by the interface IlpBlinkingManager, manages the blinking of colors.
The IlpBlinkingManager interface provides six methods to manage the blinking of colors:
  • addColor(IlpBlinkingColor color) Adds a blinking color to an object. A blinking color must be added to a blinking manager for the object to blink.
  • removeColor(IlpBlinkingColor color) Removes the blinking color from the object.
  • setOnPeriod(long onPeriod) Sets the default duration, in milliseconds, of the period the color is on.
  • setOffPeriod(long offPeriod) Sets the default duration, in milliseconds, of the period the color is off.
  • getOnPeriod() Returns the default duration, in milliseconds, of the period the color is on.
  • getOffPeriod() Returns the default duration, in milliseconds, of the period the color is off.

How to customize the blinking manager service through the deployment descriptor

The following code extract shows how to customize the on and off periods of blinking colors in the blinking manager.
  • <onPeriod> sets the duration, in milliseconds, of the period when the color is on.
  • <offPeriod> sets the duration, in milliseconds, of the period when the color is off.

How to customize the blinking manager through the API

IlpContext context = IltSystem.GetDefaultContext();
IlpBlinkingManager blinkingMgr = context.getBlinkingManager();
The on/off periods in this example are used for IlpBlinkingColor instances that do not have their own on/off periods defined.
By default, the blinking manager service is implemented by the class IltDefaultBlinkingManager.
The default blinking manager service can be customized through the deployment descriptor file using the tag <blinkingManager> .