Filtering features

To improve performance, the TGO-SDM adapter provides filtering support in different ways:

IlpFilter support

The IlpFilter class allows you to filter the objects of the data source so as to reduce the number of business objects to be mapped to SDM objects.
You can use the following APIs to control filtering:
IlpFilter IlpAbstractSDMAdapter.getFilter()

Excluded classes support

The TGO-SDM adapter can specify a list of JViews TGO classes (IlpClass) to be excluded from the mapping to SDM objects.
You can use the following APIs to control class exclusion:
IlpAbstractSDMAdapter.setExcludedClasses (List<IlpClass>)
List<IlpClass> IlpAbstractSDMAdapter.getExcludedClasses()

Accepted classes support

The TGO-SDM adapter can specify a list of JViews TGO classes (IlpClass) to be mapped to SDM objects.
You can use the following APIs to control class inclusion:
IlpAbstractSDMAdapter.setAcceptedClasses (List<IlpClass>)
List<IlpClass> IlpAbstractSDMAdapter.getAcceptedClasses()

Property change listener support

The TGO-SDM adapter notifies property change listeners (java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent) of changes in the following properties:
  • representing
  • dataSource
  • filter
  • excludedClasses
  • acceptedClasses
It uses the following registering APIs: