Before you start

It is quite probable that if you are reading this message, you have already installed the Rogue Wave® JViews TGO product. JViews TGO is based on the Java™ Platform, Standard Edition. To run a JViews TGO client application, you need a virtual machine (VM) compatible with the Java Platform, Standard Edition. To run a JViews TGO server-side application within the supplied Apache™ Tomcat server, you need to run Tomcat with a Java SE installation (see To see a JViews TGO sample applet, you need to have the Java Plug-in installed in your browser (see
This release of Rogue Wave JViews TGO relies on the Java Platform, Standard Edition, version 6.0 or later.

Components for Java and Web deployment

The following prebuilt components are available to accelerate the development phase:
  • JavaBean™ components for use with any Java IDE to develop Java applications and applets.
  • JavaServer™ Faces components for developing thin-client Web applications that take advantage of Ajax and DHTML.

Running the samples

For information about running the samples, refer to Running application and applet samples and Running the server-side samples on Apache Tomcat in the Starting the samples document.

Compiling a Rogue Wave JViews TGO program

In order to compile a JViews TGO program you need to have the appropriate JViews TGO libraries in the Java classpath. For more information, refer to Distribution structure.
Note that if you are using an IDE, the installation of the JViews TGO libraries in this IDE is highly IDE dependent. Refer to the documentation of your IDE.