Directory and file structure

The following sections describe the top-level files in the installation directory and then the content of each directory node in the installation directory.

Top-level files

The installation directory contains the following files:
  • index.html
    Access point to the documentation of the product.
  • topframe_applet.html
    Top documentation frame.

data directory

The data directory contains the XML Schema files to be used to create XML files.
This directory also contains the JViews TGO graphic resources (*.png images). These files are there for convenience only since they are also bundled inside jviews-tgo-all.jar.

doc directory

The doc directory contains the online documentation of Rogue Wave JViews TGO. It includes the following subdirectory:
  • html This directory contains documentation in HTML format. You can access it by clicking the index.html file located at the top-level of the installation directory.

lib directory

The lib directory contains the CPL and JViews TGO jars. It contains the following file:
  • jviews-tgo-all.jar
This directory contains a subdirectory named " external " that contains the following third-party jars:
  • bench-framework-8.9.jar   An auxiliary benchmark library used in all performance samples.
  • snmp4j-1.8.2.jar   The SNMP4J freeware SNMP stack used in the SNMP integration sample. More details about the SNMP4J stack can be found at

samples directory

The samples directory contains the following files:
  • summary.html
    Lists the samples that use a specific class, the topics covered by each sample, and the Rogue Wave JViews classes used in each sample.
  • summaryindex.html
    Lists the samples in alphabetical order with a short description and a graphic representation.
This directory contains a set of subdirectories that group the samples by type. For example the equipment directory contains samples related to the equipment component. These subdirectories contain a subdirectory for each of their samples. For example:
  • equipment
    • basic
    • customClasses
    • imageRenderer
    • performance
    • styling
The common content of these subdirectories is given below.
  • index.html
    Main page containing information about the sample.
  • build.xml
    Ant project file to build and run the sample.
  • <component>-<sample_name>.jar
    Executable archive file.
  • run.bat
    Scripts to run the sample on Microsoft® Windows® and UNIX®, respectively.
  • clean.bat
    Scripts to clean the sample on Microsoft Windows and UNIX, respectively.
  • build.bat
    Scripts to build the sample on Microsoft Windows and UNIX, respectively.
  • /src
    Subdirectory containing the source code.
  • /resources
    Subdirectory containing the resources used in the sample, for example, image files.
  • /data
    Subdirectory containing business objects and configuration files.
  • /srchtml
    Subdirectory containing the documentation.
  • /classes
    Subdirectory containing the classes used in the sample.

tutorials directory

The tutorials directory contains the following subdirectories:
  • gettingstarted
    Contains the files and subdirectories for running the getting started tutorial.
  • browser
    Contains the files and subdirectories for running the inventory browser tutorial.
The structure of these directories is similar to that of the samples.

UninstallerData directory

The UninstallerData directory contains all the files required to uninstall the product.