Map Overview

The Map Overview bean is represented by the IlvJOverview class. The Map Overview bean displays a representation of a target manager view and enables users to navigate to an area of the view that is of particular interest.
An example of the Map Overview panel is shown in Overview panel .
The source code for the Map Builder demonstration, which contains all of the code described in this section, can be found at <installdir> /jviews-maps89/samples/mapbuilder/index.html
Overview panel

Including the bean in an application

To include the Map Overview bean in your application, write the following lines of code:
IlvJOverview overview = new IlvJOverview();

Adding the bean to a Swing component

Then add it into a swing component:
panel.add(overview, BorderLayout.CENTER);
You should also make sure that the size of your overview remains the same regardless of any Swing layout constraints applied. To do so, use lines like:
overview.setSize(200, 100);

Customizing interactions and capabilities

You can customize the way users interact with the overview, and with the capabilities of the control rectangle as follows:
  • To change the way the interactor is drawn:
  • To allow users to resize the overview:
  • To make sure the visible area of the view always remains inside the overview window:
  • To maintain a constant zoom ratio between the overview and the view:
  • You can improve the performance of your application by limiting the overview refresh rate: