Data source tree

The source code for the Map Builder demonstration, which contains all of the code described in this section, can be found at <installdir> /jviews-maps89/samples/mapbuilder/index.html


The IlvMapDataSourceProperty class is a named property used to attach a IlvMapDataSourceModel to an IlvManager.
IlvManagerThis data source model controls all data sources that you import into the manager. It is also persistent data that is saved when you save the map.

Accessing the data source model

You can access the map data source model by calling:
IlvMapDataSourceModel dsm = 

Adding a listener

As the IlvMapDataSourceProperty is a named property of the manager, you can add a listener that is called whenever the property as a whole is changed, for example:
manager.addNamedPropertyListener(new NamedPropertyListener() {
  public void propertyChanged(NamedPropertyEvent event) {
    if (event.getPropertyName().equals(IlvMapDataSourceProperty.NAME)) {
      IlvMapDataSourceProperty p = (IlvMapDataSourceProperty) 
      if (event.getType() == NamedPropertyEvent.PROPERTY_SET) { something

Controlling data sources

You can allow users to edit and control individual data sources by adding an IlvDataSourcePanel bean to your application. See Using the GUI beans.
For more information about the data source tree, see Creating data source objects, Using data sources, and Developing a new data source.
Although the Data Source Tree contains a Tree structure, JViews Maps uses only a single level tree, resulting in a simpler data source list. Future versions, or user applications, may use the full tree structure for advanced features.