Configuring the hotkeys

You can change the default key or key combinations associated with actions and configure your own hotkeys by writing a small amount of customized code. In JSF™ Faces (JSF)™ applications, you must set the hotkeys attribute of your View tag to your own hotkey values, as shown in the following code example.
<jvmf:mapView ... ...
                    hotkeys="{singleSelect : {hotkey : IlvUtil.keys.SPACE},  
                                  zoomIn : {hotkey : [ IlvUtil.keys.NUMPAD_PLUS, IlvUtil.keys.EQUALS ],
                                            filter : { ctrl : false, shift : true }
In JavaScript™ applications, you must create the hotkeys object and then call the setHotkeys method of the View object as shown in the following code example.
 var map= new IlvView(x, y, w, h);

var hotkeys = {singleSelect : {hotkey : IlvUtil.keys.SPACE},  
                    zoomIn : {hotkey : [ IlvUtil.keys.NUMPAD_PLUS, IlvUtil.keys.EQUALS ],
                              filter : { ctrl : false, shift : true }
The following table lists the actions you can customize.
Action Description Default key or key combination
Up Moves focus to the upper element in accordance with the navigation style. Up Arrow
Down Moves focus to the lower element in accordance with the navigation style. Down Arrow
Left Moves focus to the element on the left in accordance with the navigation style. Left Arrow
Right Moves focus to the element on the right in accordance with the navigation style. Right Arrow
singleSelect Selects the graphic element that has the current focus. Enter
zoomIn Zooms in on an area of the view. Ctrl+Plus (+)
zoomOut Zooms out of an area of the view. Ctrl+Minus (-)
panLeft Pans the view to the left. Ctrl+Left Arrow
panRight Pans the view to the right. Ctrl+Right Arrow
panUp Pans the view up. Ctrl+Up Arrow
panDown Pans the view down. Ctrl+Down Arrow
moveLeft Moves the selected graph elements left. Shift+Left Arrow
moveRight Moves the selected graph elements right. Shift+Right Arrow
moveUp Moves the selected graph elements up. Shift+Up Arrow
moveDown Moves the selected graph elements down. Shift+Down Arrow
The following code example shows an object that defines the keys and corresponding keycodes that you can use for hotkeys in JViews web applications.
IlvUtil.keys = {
    TAB: 9,
    CLEAR: 12,
    ENTER: 13,
    SHIFT: 16,
    CTRL: 17,
    ALT: 18,
    PAUSE: 19,
    CAPS_LOCK: 20,
    ESCAPE: 27,
    SPACE: 32,
    PAGE_UP: 33,
    PAGE_DOWN: 34,
    END: 35,
    HOME: 36,
    LEFT_ARROW: 37,
    UP_ARROW: 38,
    RIGHT_ARROW: 39,
    DOWN_ARROW: 40,
    INSERT: 45,
    DELETE: 46,
    HELP: 47,
    LEFT_WINDOW: 91,
    SELECT: 93,
    NUMPAD_0: 96,
    NUMPAD_1: 97,
    NUMPAD_2: 98,
    NUMPAD_3: 99,
    NUMPAD_4: 100,
    NUMPAD_5: 101,
    NUMPAD_6: 102,
    NUMPAD_7: 103,
    NUMPAD_8: 104,
    NUMPAD_9: 105,
    NUMPAD_PLUS: 107,
    PLUS: 107,
    NUMPAD_ENTER: 108,
    NUMPAD_MINUS: 109,
    MINUS: 109,
    EQUALS: 187,
    DASH: 189,
    F1: 112,
    F2: 113,
    F3: 114,
    F4: 115,
    F5: 116,
    F6: 117,
    F7: 118,
    F8: 119,
    F9: 120,
    F10: 121,
    F11: 122,
    F12: 123,
    F13: 124,
    F14: 125,
    F15: 126,
    NUM_LOCK: 144,
    SCROLL_LOCK: 145