The IlvZoomTool JavaScript component

The IlvZoomTool component is a JavaScript component that shows a set of buttons. Each button corresponds to a zoom level; clicking the button zoom the view to this zoom level. The button corresponding to the current zoom level is visually different from others so that you can tell what the current zoom level is. The component can be vertical or horizontal, and the images of the buttons can be customized.
To add the component, add the following lines to the page:
<script TYPE="text/javascript" src="script/IlvZoomTool.js"></script>
This line imports the script.
Note that this component uses the IlvButton class, so the IlvButton.js script must be included also.
var zoomtool = new IlvZoomTool(x+w+25, y+15, 25, h-30, 10 , view)
zoomtool.upImage = ’images/button.gif’
zoomtool.rolloverUpImage = ’images/buttonh.gif’
zoomtool.downImage = ’images/button.gif’
zoomtool.rolloverDownImage = ’images/buttonh.gif’
zoomtool.currentImage = ’images/center.gif’
zoomtool.rolloverCurrentImage = ’images/centerh.gif’

The page now looks like this, with the vertical zoom tool on the right of the main view: