Creating nodes and links

If you want to create nodes and/or links on the view, you have to set the editable mode on the view component as follows:
<jvdf:diagramerView id="thediagrammer" editable="true" [...] />
For example, by calling the following extract of JavaScriptâ„¢ in response to a user action, an interactor is set on the view. This interactor allows you to create a link with the thetag tag in the JViews Diagrammer model attached to the view.
thediagrammer.setCreateLinkInteractor("thetag", true);
When the second parameter is set to true, the create action is available only once. If you want to have the interactor available permanently, you can ignore that parameter.
Similarly, you can set a node creation interactor:
thediagrammer.setCreateNodeInteractor("anothertag", true);
In addition to the tag name, the interactor can be configured to set some initial properties on the selected object at creation time:
var properties = {propertyName1: "propertyValue1", propertyName2: "propertyValue2"}; 
thediagrammer.setCreateNodeInteractor("anothertag", true, properties); 
In order to work correctly, a property accessor must be set and configured on the facet (see Information on Selection).