Adding an overview

An overview displays the global area and a rectangle corresponding to the area visible in the main view. You can move this rectangle to change the area visible in the main view. This overview is connected with the view in the usual way with the identifier.
<jvdf:diagrammerView id="diagrammer" [...] />
<jvf:overview viewId="diagrammer" [...] />
You can set whether the Overview aspect ratio is enforced by the View aspect ratio size.
<jvf:overview id="overview" viewId="diagrammer" ignoreContentAspectRatio="true"[...] />
The default setting for the ignoreContentAspectRatio attribute is false (disabled). When you set this flag to true (enabled) you keep the aspect ratio of the Overview the same as the View aspect ratio.
When you disable this flag, the initial aspect ratio of the Overview is defined to be the smallest area around all visible objects.
The most common reason for you to enable this attribute is because you want to keep the size of the Overview constant, when the View content is being modified.
See file://../jviews-diagrammer89/samples/diagrammer/jsf-diagrammer-gallery/index.html <installdir> /jviews-diagrammer89/samples/diagrammer/jsf-diagrammer-gallery/index.html for more information.