Styling the pop-up menu

The pop-up menu is stylable by setting the following pop-up menu properties to a CSS class name:
  • ItemStyleClass: the base CSS class name applied to a menu item.
  • itemHighlightedStyleClass: the style applied over the base style when the cursor is over the item.
  • itemDisabledStyleClass: the style applied over the base style when the cursor is disabled.
The following set of code examples shows CSS styling in a pop-up menu.
.menuItem {
  background: #21bdbd;
  color: black;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-size: 12px;
.menuItemHighlighted {
  background: #057879;
  color: white;
.menuItemDisabled {
  background: #EEEEEE;
  font-style: italic;
  color: black;
Then continue with the code for a specific JViews JSF component.
For JViews Diagrammer
  <jvf:contextualMenu  itemStyleClass="menuItem"
                       itemDisabledStyleClass="menuItemDisabled" />
At the JViews Framework level
  <jvf:contextualMenu  itemStyleClass="menuItem"
                       itemDisabledStyleClass="menuItemDisabled" />