Zoom levels and dynamic layers

Fixed zoom levels, which should be used if the view is tiled, must be set so that the client can cache the tiles. This can be achieved in two different ways:
  • Specify the Web application property scales in the Map Builder.
  • Specify the zoom levels in the JSPā„¢ tag using the zoomLevels property, for example:
    <jvmf:mapView zoomLevels="1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0" [...] />
Dynamic layers can also be specified in the Map Builder by setting the THIN_CLIENT_BACKGROUND property to false. Layers that have their THIN_CLIENT_BACKGROUND property set to true are then taken as static layers.
The JSP tag attribute overrides the scales and layer properties set in the Map Builder. Be careful when setting the zoomLevels property and the staticLayers property, if your map already contains scales and static layers specified in the Map Builder.