Performance guidelines

The applications you have been shown so far in this document are designed for non real-time systems, that is, systems that display a small amount of data which is refreshed infrequently. A Rogue Wave® JViews Dashboard Editor or Rogue Wave JViews Designer application created for this purpose will contain only very few symbols.
Real-time systems deal with massive amounts of data that is updated continually. To handle the data quantity and update frequency, you must create light symbols. Light symbols use the minimum amount of objects, parameters, conditions and interactors necessary to display an understandable message.
Use the following guidelines to create symbols with the smallest memory footprint:
  • Use as few objects as possible.
  • Use a static background.
  • Use light (PNG) images.
  • Use the visibility option.
  • Avoid transparency.
  • Avoid complicated gradients.
  • Avoid thick lines.
  • Turn anti-aliasing off.
  • Turn fraction metrics off.
Rendering operations take up a lot of CPU time. The fastest and lightest symbols are made by changing the visibility setting for a collection of PNG images.