Creating a horizontal interactor

A horizontal interactor is used to extend or contract a symbol object when the mouse moves horizontally over it. The horizontal interactor changes the value of the parameter to which it is bound. This change in parameter value is used to apply a transformation on the object bound to the parameter. For example, if you move the mouse over a progressbar symbol, the bar moves to the left or right with the mouse.
Vertical interactors work in an identical way to horizontal interactors. The only difference is that the change in parameter value is caused by the mouse moving vertically and not horizontally.
To add a horizontal interactor to a symbol:
  1. Open the basicprogressbar symbol you made in Customizing the progress bar.
  2. Select the progressbar object.
  3. Open the Interactor tab in the Styling Customizer.
  4. Select Horizontal in the Interactor field.
  5. Select progress in the Parameter field.
  6. Set the Maximum field to 100.
  7. Set the Step field to 1.
  8. Test this symbol by clicking the Preview button.
You see that, as the mouse moves horizontally, the progressbar follows the mouse movement. As the value of maximum is set to 100, the progressbar never overruns the background image.
Set the Horizontal Direction to Left in the Interactor tab of the Styling Customizer to make the progressbar move in the opposite direction to the mouse.