Setting base text direction for the Text element of a Symbol

Each Text element in a Symbol has its own definition of base text direction. The base text direction of the Text element can be defined as a constant. You can set the base text direction through the Styling Customizer in Symbol Editing Mode.
  1. Select a symbol palette.
  2. Select and open a symbol from the palette.
  3. In the Symbol Outline, select Text.
  4. In the Styling Customizer, select Text.
  5. In Base Text Direction, select your preference for the base text direction.
Base text direction applies only to the Text element of a symbol. The value of base text direction applies only to the Text element on which it is set. See Changing base text direction dynamically at run time for:
  • Setting base text direction dynamically to have the same value for all text elements of a symbol object
  • Dynamically assigning one specific base text direction value to a specific text element of the symbol object
The following figure shows selection of base text direction.
Inherited base text direction in the Text element of an Oval symbol.
Setting base text direction for text of a symbol
Alternatively, base text direction can hold a reference to a parameter of a Symbol, instead of being a constant. See Assigning one specific value to a specific text element of a symbol.