Transforming object position

The position of an object is set in function of the base object; the center of the base object is point 0,0. The base object is the central point of a symbol, it cannot change position. However, as shown in Transforming an object, you can apply a transformation on a base object to change its width or height. Objects in higher layers can change position either by setting the x and y objects manually, or by binding a parameter to these values.
To change the position of an object:
  1. In the Symbol Editor, create a new default symbol.
    For more information, see Making a new symbol.
  2. Select the Text object in the Symbol Outline pane.
  3. Select the Transform tab in the Styling Customizer.
    The x and y values in the Transform tab are set to 0, that is, Text is in the exact center of Shape (Base).
  4. Type 5 in the x field and press ENTER.
    You see Text moves to the right.
To change the position of an object using a parameter, use the method explained in Transforming an object.
The object in the lowest layer of a grouped object is designated as the group’s base layer. As such, you can only customize its Width and Height objects, it cannot change position.