Definition of the dashboard symbols

To create the BAM dashboard shown in figure A dashboard definition, you will need to create the following symbols:
  • A progress bar symbol
  • A stoplight symbol
  • A region symbol
The progress bar will display the percentage of overall capacity being delivered. This percentage is displayed by a bar which changes width and color to show the percentage. The percentage is changed by altering the value of a single integer parameter, progress.
Progress bar states
The stoplight symbol indicates the overall state of key performance indicators. It can display three possible states: good, warning or problem. The state displayed represents the levels of key performance indicators. It is changed by altering the value of a single integer parameter, statusvalue.
The warning state in the stoplight symbol
The region symbol uses the progress and stoplight symbols to display key performance indicators and overall status for a business region. It contains the following parameters:
  • region - a string containing the name of the region
  • shipments - the percentage of products shipped
  • sales - the percentage of the sales target achieved
  • production - the percentage production quota achieved
  • status - the overall status of the region in regard to shipments, sales and production