Understanding the Symbol Palettes pane

The Symbol Palettes pane displays the palettes that are open in the Symbol Editor. Each palette can be expanded as a tree. A palette is identified by a header, which includes its name, and a small icon.
Open palettes in the Symbol Palettes pane
The icon diasym_defaultpalette17.png represents a default palette (opened when the Symbol Editor is launched). It indicates a locked status, which means that the palette cannot be modified or saved.
The icon diasym_userpalette18.png represents a standard palette opened by the user.
The palette header also indicates the total number of symbols and categories in a palette. The first number is the symbol count and the second number is the category count. In the figure Expanding the bampalette, the Controls palette has a total of 61 symbols in 8 categories.
Clicking a palette header selects the corresponding palette, which becomes the new current palette. The header is highlighted (the color can vary depending on the Java™ and host platform look and feel).
Clicking the arrow left of a palette header expands the corresponding palette tree. This does not change the currently selected palette.
Expanding the bampalette
Select the expanded palette by clicking its header. The header is highlighted. You can further expand the categories of the selected palette by clicking their arrow.
Right-clicking a palette header gives access to a pop-up menu. This menu contains general actions that can be performed on palettes (New, Open) as well as actions relative to the selected palette (Save As, Close, Properties, Reporting). New Symbol and New Category actions are disabled for default (locked) palettes, but not for standard palettes.
Pop-up menu for a default palette
Pop-up menu for a standard palette