The Dynamic Style Setting panel bean

The Dynamic Style Setting panel bean is represented by the IlvMapDynamicStylePanel class.
An example of the Dynamic Style Setting panel is shown in Dynamic Style Setting panel .
Dynamic Style Setting panel
The Dynamic Style Setting panel displays the different styles a layer can have at different zoom factors. The gray bar furthest to the left is the default style (used for the finer/higher zoom levels of a map) – the other dynamic style settings are represented by alternating yellow and white bars. Users can also use the panel to set the map scale by clicking on the dynamic styles bar.

Accessing and updating the panel

You should not need to create a Dynamic Style Setting panel directly. You can access the Style Setting panel of the Map Layer Tree panel using the getThemePanel method.
This panel is attached to the IlvMapStyleControllerProperty property of the manager (and its underlying IlvMapStyleController). It is updated when the user adds/deletes dynamic styles (using the plusbutton.png and minusbutton.png buttons, see Dynamic Style Setting panel ), or when you add dynamic styles with API calls such as:
IlvMapStyleController themeControl = IlvMapStyleControllerProperty.
themeControl.addTheme(0.001,mapLayer,"new style");