The IlvRasterAbstractReader class

The IlvRasterAbstractReader class contains the methods for all readers of raster image formats. It contains a built-in tiling mechanism for tiling the image to be displayed.

Geo-referenced image list

The IlvRasterAbstractReader class is an abstract class that handles an indexed list of geo-referenced images. Each image consists of two objects:
Subclasses should provide a method (often called addImage) that creates both an IlvRasterProperties and an IlvRasterMappedBuffer and adds them to the list using the addRaster method.

Projection transformation

The IlvRasterAbstractReader needs the projection of the original raster and the projection to use in the view. From these it can dynamically (on-demand) compute every pixel visible in the tile to be loaded. Sub-classes must implement getInternalTransformation in order to provide the coordinate system in which the original data is stored. As the getLowerRightCorner and getUpperLeftCorner methods return the IlvRasterProperties bounds, these bounds must be provided in the same coordinate system.

Image metadata

Image metadata subclasses also have to implement the getProperties method to provide the IlvFeatureAttributeProperty attached to each of the images.