Classes for reading the MapInfo Interchange File format

The JViews Maps package provides all the necessary classes to read data provided in the MapInfo Interchange File (MIF) format. In addition to these classes, the JViews Maps package also provides the IlvGraphic classes needed to render specific MIF objects.
The classes used to read MapInfo Interchange files are:

The IlvMIDMIFReader class

This class reads both MIF file and MID file by providing a MIF file name and a MID file name. If the MID file name is set to null, no attribute is loaded. If the MID file name corresponds to a valid MID file, the attributes are read from the file and attached to the IlvMapFeature returned by the reader.
IlvMIDMIFReader reader = new IlvMIDMIFReader("example.mif", "example.mid");
IlvMapFeature feature = reader.getNextFeature(); 
while(feature != null)
     feature = reader.getNextFeature();

The IlvMIFReader class

This is the class that reads a single MIF file, providing a MIF file name or a reader to the constructor. You can then iterate to obtain the IlvMapFeatures of the file, but you can also obtain information about the MIF file you are reading, such as:
  • The IlvAttributeInfoProperty, which defines the name and the classes of the attributes that can be found in the associated MID file.
  • The default feature renderer suitable to render the geometries contained in this file.
  • The character encoding used in this file.
  • The coordinate system in which the geometries of the file are expressed.
Note that the coordinate system returned by the reader can be null even if the MapInfo specifications consider the geometries to be in the Geographic coordinate system if none is specified in the MIF file.
IlvMIFReader reader = 
    new IlvMIFReader("example.mif");
IlvAttributeInfoProperty info = reader.getAttributeInfo();
if(info != null) {
    System.out.println("Attributes info : ");
    for(int i = 0; i < info.getAttributesCount(); i++) {
        System.out.println("Name " + info.getAttributeName(i));
        System.out.println("Class " + info.getAttributeClass(i));
IlvCoordinateSystem cs = reader.getCoordinateSystem();
if(cs != null) 
    System.out.println("The coordinate system is " + cs.getName());
    System.out.println("Assuming a geographic coordinate system");
String encoding = reader.getCharset();
System.out.println("Char set is " + encoding);

The IlvMIDReader class

This class reads a MID file. You must have previously opened the corresponding MIF file, in order to build the second argument of the MID reader ( IlvAttributeInfoProperty) that is provided in the MIF file.
IlvMIFReader reader = 
    new IlvMIFReader("example.mif");
IlvAttributeInfoProperty info = reader.getAttributeInfo();
IlvMIDReader mid = new IlvMIDReader("example.mid", info);
IlvFeatureAttributeProperty prop = mid.getNextRecord();
while(prop != null)
    prop = mid.getNextRecord();