Classes for writing the shape format

The ilog.views.maps.format.shapefile package contains the following classes for writing Shapefiles.
The class IlvSHPWriter is used to generate the geometry and index parts of a Shapefile (.shp and .shx files), while the IlvDBFWriter is used to write the attribute file (.dbf extension).
Like with feature iterator, writing map features to a Shapefile consists of writing repeatedly map features using the methods writeFeature and writeAttributes, then call the close method of writers to flush the data and write the headers.

The IlvSHPWriter class

The IlvSHPWriter class manages the writing of geometries to a Shapefile, with the creation of the Shapefile index that allows direct access to Shapefile records.
The following example shows how to use this class to write the contents of a feature iterator to a file foo.shp, creating the index file at the same time.
try {
   IlvSHPWriter shpwriter = new IlvSHPWriter("foo.shp",
  // Loop on features.
  IlvMapFeature feature = iterator.getNextFeature();
  while (feature != null) {
    feature = iterator.getNextFeature();
} catch (IOException e) {
  // Error processing.
The Shapefile format defines a header that can be completed only once all data is written. For this reason, it is mandatory to call the close() method of the shape writer once all data is written, so that the header is updated.

The IlvDBFWriter and IlvDBFAttributeInfo classes

The IlvDBFWriter and IlvDBFAttributeInfo classes manage the writing of DBase III+ files (.dbf files). These files contain records corresponding to attributes of geometries contained within a Shapefile.
As .dbf files need records with fixed-size fields, it is important to choose a field size that is large enough to contain all data of a field, as well as a size small enough not to waste data.
The goal of the class IlvDBFAttributeInfo is to complement IlvAttributeInfoProperty for the definition of record fields.
The following example shows how to write the contents of an iterator to a set of .shp, .shx and .dbf files:
try {
  // Create the SHP writer.
  IlvSHPWriter shpwriter = new IlvSHPWriter("foo.shp", "foo.shx");

  // Read the first feature.
  IlvMapFeature feature = iterator.getNextFeature();

  // Create the DBF Writer.
  IlvDBFAttributeInfo info =
      new IlvDBFAttributeInfo(feature.getAttributeInfo());

  IlvDBFWriter dbfwriter = new IlvDBFWriter(info,

  // Loop on features.
  while (feature != null) {
    feature = iterator.getNextFeature();
} catch (IOException e) {
  // Error processing.
Once again, the writers must be closed to write the headers correctly.