Grid layers

The source code for the Map Builder demonstration, which contains all of the code described in this section, can be found at <installdir> /jviews-maps89/samples/mapbuilder/index.html.

The IlvAbstractBaseGrid class

The IlvAbstractBaseGrid base class has subclasses IlvMGRSGrid and IlvLatLonGrid. It is a manager layer that, instead of drawing graphic objects (IlvGraphic instances) added to it, displays a grid adapted to the current zoom level of the map.
This base grid also implements the IlvManagerViewDecoration interface, which allows you to display the grid on the screen, but prevents it from being displayed on printed material.

The IlvMGRSGrid class

The IlvMGRSGrid class displays a set of auto-adaptive MGRS standard grids and labels on top of a geographic view. This grid displays a list of Grid zones (either UPS or UTM zones), and their sub grids (100000m, 10000m, 1000m). Each grid or sub-grid is labeled using the standardized MGRS name for the current area.
You can create and add an MGRS grid on any geo-referenced manager view (that is, any view that supports the IlvCoordinateSystemProperty). For example, to add an MGRS grid containing all MGRS zones as a decoration of the view:
IlvMGRSGrid grid = new IlvMGRSGrid();

The IlvLatLonGrid class

The IlvLatLonGrid class displays a set of auto-adaptive grids and labels along latitude or longitude lines on top of a geographic view. If the grid is auto-adaptive, the step between each successive lat/lon line is dependant on the scale of the current view.
You can create and add an MGRS grid on any geo-referenced manager view (that is, any view that supports the IlvCoordinateSystemProperty). For example, to create a lat/lon grid layer:
view.getManager().addLayer(new IlvLatLonGrid()-1);
By default, the IlvLatLonGrid creates only the points at the corners of each grid square. If you are using a coordinate system that transforms the map in a non-linear way (such as Orthographic projection, UTM projection, and so on), you can increase the number of intermediate points on each grid square in order to show a smoother version of the grid:

Writing specific grids

The easiest way to implement your own grid system is to start with an empty MGRS grid and then add your own zones to it. For examples of this, see the Map Builder GridManager class.

Integrating grids into map layers

As the grids are implemented as manager layers, you only need to connect these to an IlvMapLayer.
This map layer must be created, styled and integrated in the map layer tree model:
IlvMapLayerTreeModel ltm = 
 IlvMapLayer mapInsertionLayer = new IlvMapLayer();
 mapInsertionLayer.setStyle(new IlvGridStyle());
 ltm.addChild(null, mapInsertionLayer);
Then you can integrate the grid manager layer into it:
You can also use an IlvDelayedDecoration manager layer to encapsulate the grid. Whenever the user moves or zooms the grid rapidly, a simplified version of the grid is used, which displays more quickly. When the user stops moving or zooming the grid, the full grid is displayed:
IlvDelayedDecoration delayedGrid = new IlvDelayedDecoration(200);

The IlvGridStyle class

The IlvGridStyle class is used when displaying grids. It defines the following attributes:
Grid Styling Properties
Property name
The Color used to display grid lines.
The Font of grid labels.
The Color used to display grid labels.
The Color of the outline of the grid labels.