Creating a data source from a VMAP database

To use tiling:
  • Load data with tiling:
    IlvVMAPDataSource source = new IlvVMAPDataSource(fileName);
VMAPs can be loaded with or without a tiling mechanism. When using tiling, data is loaded in a background thread:
To select features to Import using FACC codes:
  • VMAP data contains many different features. Select the features to import into your map by choosing the appropriate FACC code:
    source.setFaccCodeList stringTable;
To select the area of interest:
  • You can restrict the area you want to import (typical VMAP Data level 0 spans a continent) by choosing latitude and longitude bounds. For example, JViews Maps for Defense provides a bean to let users select their own areas:
    // Building GUI.
    cPanel = IlvCoordinatePanelFactory.
    // When user presses OK.
To use load-on-demand
  • You can use a load-on-demand tiling mechanism with VMAP data by setting the data source tiling parameters, for example:
For further information about data sources, see Creating data source objects.