The IlvCADRGTocReader class and the CADRG model

The IlvCADRGTocReader class allows you to read a table of contents file (the A.TOC file). It gives access to the elements of the CADRG volume according to the following object model:
  • The CADRG coverages are represented by instances of the class IlvCADRGCoverage.
  • The CADRG frames are represented by instances of the class IlvCADRGFrame class.
The following example reads the table of contents of a CADRG volume:
IlvCADRGTocReader tocReader = new IlvCADRGTocReader(fileName);
      Enumeration frames = tocReader.getOverviewFrames();
      while (frames.hasMoreElements()) {
        IlvCADRGFrame frame = (IlvCADRGFrame) frames.nextElement();
        IlvMapFeatureIterator iterator = frame.makeReader(false);
In this example, mapLoader is an instance of the IlvMapLoader class. For details about the map loader, see Creating a map application using the API.