Graphics SDK for experts

The JViews Framework SDK is used to manage graphic objects. You need to be comfortable with writing Java™ code to use this SDK. There is no user-friendly GUI to help you out, although some classes are available as JavaBeans™ for use in your favorite IDE. See Framework classes available as JavaBeans in The Essential JViews Framework.
This topic summarizes the main features of handling graphic objects. The mapping products do not have wrapped classes of their own to do this, so if you write your own code you will have to use JViews Framework directly.
For map applications, the supplied source code of the Map Builder shows you how to do this. The easiest way is to adapt the Map Builder code to the needs of your application.
An IlvManager object is the data structure that contains graphic objects, such as rectangle, polylines, and so on.
The base class for graphic objects is IlvGraphic.
Graphic objects can be stored in the manager. The manager is composed of several storage areas called layers and you can specify in which layer an object is to be stored. Objects in a higher layer are displayed in front of objects in lower layers. A layer is an instance of the class IlvManagerLayer.
Do not confuse the storage layer in JViews Framework with the map layer, which is used mainly for styling.
Graphic objects stored in a manager can be displayed in several views. A view is an instance of the class IlvManagerView. This class is a subclass of the AWT class java.awt.Container.
IlvGrapher is a manager that contains nodes and links. Nodes can be any type of graphic object. (Links are instances of the class IlvLinkImage.) A graphic object becomes a node of a graph if it is added to the grapher by the addNode method. (A link must be added by the addLink method.) When a node is removed from a grapher, all the links that come from and go to this node are also removed. When changing the position of a node, the connection points of the links are automatically recomputed.
IlvGraphic is the abstract base class of graphic objects managed by an instance of IlvManager.
The extensive graphics API of JViews Framework does far more than the basic management of graphic objects. It is a powerful tool for customizing and refining Java™ development. The mapping products give you access to the full JJViews Framework. For example, JViews Framework also includes APIs for deploying thin-client applications.