Private methods

The following private methods of the Flag Renderer handle the flag on a node:
  • checkNode
  • cleanNode
  • moveNode
The following code example shows the code for checkNode.
Checking for a flag
    // local method
The checkNode method fetches the graphic property to see if a flag is defined for the node in its current state.
    // manage graphic props
    private void checkNode(IlvSDMEngine engine, Object obj, 
                           IlvGraphic graphic) {
        Object rawFlag = IlvRendererUtil.getGraphicProperty(engine, obj, 
                                               FLAG, REND_CLASS, null);
        if (rawFlag != null && rawFlag instanceof IlvGraphic) {
            IlvGraphic g = (IlvGraphic) rawFlag;
            // set flag location at top left corner  
            IlvRect r = graphic.boundingBox(null);
            g.move(r.x, r.y);
            // add object
            engine.getGrapher().addObject(g, _flagLayer, true);
            // save flag in the graphic itself
            graphic.addProperty(FLAG_GRAPHICS, g);
The checkNode method checks if a flag is requested and renders the flag if necessary by adding it at the upper left of the object.
The following code example shows the code for cleanNode.
Removing a flag
// remove previous flag
    private void cleanNode(IlvSDMEngine engine, IlvGraphic graphic) {
        // get the flag object from the source
        Object previous = graphic.getProperty(FLAG_GRAPHICS);
        if (previous != null) {
            // remove it and clear the property
The cleanNode method is used to remove the flag when it is no longer needed.
The following code example shows the code for moveNode.
Moving the flag with the node
    // adjust flag position
    private void moveNode(IlvRect newBBox, IlvGraphic flag) {
        if (flag == null)
        flag.move(newBBox.x, newBBox.y);
The moveNode method is used to move only the flag, according to the new bounding box of the node on which it appears.